

Occupational allergies are one of the leading causes of employee sickness. Millions of American workers across every industry are at risk of exposure to chemicals, proteins, or agents capable of causing allergic diseases, including asthma, allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), urticaria, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and folliculitis.
Work-related contact accounts for about 9%-25% of all adult-onset asthma diagnoses, while ACD is responsible for 20% of all occupational cutaneous disorders. These diseases significantly harm personal health, and similar statistics have been found in Europe and other industrialized countries.

Disease Types and Severity

Severity of disease depends upon numerous variables, such as the source of exposure, route of exposure, the jobsite, and an individual’s genetics. Allergic diseases are defined by a latency period between exposures (known as “sensitization”) and symptoms (known as “elicitation”) and may require immunoglobulin E (IgE) and non-IgE-mediated responses.

Immunoglobulin E-Mediated Response(s)

An immunoglobulin E-mediated allergic reaction, also known as an immediate-type hypersensitivity (Type I), is facilitated by immunoglobulin E antibody and mast cells. It introduces T helper 2 cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13, causing immunoglobulin E production by B cells.
Once IgE is generated and released, it attaches itself to mast cells and basophils. These cells become activated and undergo degranulation, releasing soluble allergic mediators like histamine and leukotrienes. These mediators act on various body parts such as smooth muscles, sensory nerves, mucous glands, arteries, and eosinophils.
An IgE-mediated reaction can lead to several typical clinical outcomes, including heightened vascular permeability, contraction of smooth muscle cells, and vasodilation. These reactions usually become evident within minutes to hours after exposure to the allergen. Depending on the frequency and location of allergen exposure, these reactions may affect one or multiple organs, giving rise to various diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, and anaphylaxis.

Combatting Allergies with Occupational Health Services

Let Occupational Health Services (OHS) help you prevent avoidable allergic reactions in the workplace. OHS can provide testing and primary care to ensure your employees’ health and keep employee absenteeism to a minimum. Contact us today to learn how our services and resources can enhance your business.

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Improving productivity and employee satisfaction is crucial for any organization to succeed. One way to achieve this is by reducing workplace injuries. By increasing awareness about safety practices and creating a safe working environment, employers can ensure the well-being of their employees while simultaneously enhancing productivity. It is important to prioritize safety and health in the workplace to avoid work-related injuries and to create a positive and efficient working environment. Employees who feel valued and safe are more likely to be motivated, dedicated, and productive. Therefore, let us focus on fostering a culture of safety, health, and well-being in the workplace to boost employee morale and increase productivity.
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Ensuring access to employee healthcare services at a time and location convenient to your company and emploeyees is an essential aspect of our occupational health care services. Our team of highly qualified medical professionals is committed to providing you with the the care your employees need to conveniently and efficiently fit your schedules. .
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At Occupational Health Services, we are confident in our ability to truly make a difference in people's lives. With our comprehensive support, employee healthcare costs are reduced by proactive measures taking care of your team. As a result workplace productivity and job satisfaction both increase. If you are interested in a custom occupation health solution for your company we would like to hear from you. Please fill out a form or call us today.
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Ensuring access to employee healthcare services at a time and location convenient to your company and employees is an essential aspect of our occupational health care services. Our team of highly qualified medical professionals is committed to providing you with the the care your employees need to conveniently and efficiently fit your schedules.


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Virtual healthcare conducted remotely via smartphones, computers or tablets.