Industries Served

Supporting Industries with Tailored Onsite Healthcare Solutions

At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we understand that every industry comes with its own unique health and safety challenges. Whether it’s the demanding physical work of construction, the repetitive motions of manufacturing, the fast-paced environment of food processing, or the regulatory requirements of transportation and logistics, our team is equipped to provide customized onsite healthcare solutions that keep your workforce safe, healthy, and productive. By bringing medical care directly to your job sites and facilities, we help businesses minimize downtime, reduce workplace injuries, and stay compliant with industry standards. Explore how we serve key industries and ensure employees receive the care they need—right where they work.


At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we specialize in supporting the construction industry byproviding tailored onsite health solutions to keep workers safe, healthy, and productive.Understanding the demanding nature of construction work, we offer services such as pre-employment physicals, drug and alcohol testing, injury evaluations, and job-specific healthassessments. Our team goes where you need us—whether it’s meeting employees at your mainfacility or traveling directly to job sites to provide immediate care and support. By being flexibleand responsive, we help ensure your workforce stays on the job and minimizes downtime,allowing projects to move forward smoothly and efficiently.


At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we take pride in serving the manufacturing industry,where we’ve encountered a wide range of job-specific injuries unique to each facility, includingrepetitive motion injuries, equipment-related strains, and even cuts sustained duringproduction. We provide targeted care and injury prevention strategies tailored to youroperations to ensure employees remain healthy and productive. We understand theimportance of employee privacy and ensure it is respected whether we’re working out of onsiteoffices, private meeting rooms, or other designated spaces. Our flexibility allows us to adapt toany setup, creating a seamless process that keeps your workforce safe, supported, and on thejob.

Food Processing & Packaging

At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we are experienced in supporting the food industry,where employees often face similar job-related injuries to those in other hands-on industries,such as repetitive motion injuries, equipment-related strains, and cuts sustained during foodpreparation and packaging. In addition to addressing these physical injuries, our medical staff iswell-versed in health concerns specific to the food industry, including the prevention andmanagement of infectious diseases, adherence to food safety standards, and maintainingoverall employee wellness in high-paced environments. Whether we’re providing onsite care,conducting health screenings, or offering tailored medical advice, we prioritize the uniquechallenges of this industry to help keep your workforce safe, healthy, and compliant withregulatory standards.


At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we are proud to serve the transportation industry,where keeping drivers healthy and compliant is essential. We provide onsite services such asrandom drug and alcohol testing, DOT physical exams, and ergonomic evaluations to addressthe unique needs of truckers. Our onsite approach ensures drivers can quickly and convenientlymeet regulatory requirements, receive necessary care, and get back on the road withoutunnecessary delays. By focusing on both compliance and driver well-being, we helptransportation companies maintain smooth operations while prioritizing the health and safetyof their workforce.

Logistics Industry

At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we are dedicated to supporting the logistics andwarehouse industry, where employees often face demanding physical tasks and fast-pacedenvironments. Our onsite services address common injuries such as repetitive motion strains,back injuries, and even cuts sustained during material handling. Additionally, we focus onergonomics, helping to prevent injuries by optimizing workstations and lifting techniques. Ourteam provides convenient, onsite injury evaluations, drug and alcohol testing, and healthassessments to keep your workforce safe and productive. By tailoring our services to the uniqueneeds of logistics and warehouse operations, OHS ensures your employees remain healthy andyour operations run smoothly.


At Occupational Health Services (OHS), we understand the unique challenges faced by thelandscaping industry, where employees engage in physically demanding tasks and work invarying environmental conditions. Our services are designed to keep landscaping teamshealthy, productive, and compliant with industry standards. We provide onsite injuryevaluations for common issues such as repetitive motion strains, back injuries, and heat-relatedillnesses. Additionally, we offer drug and alcohol testing, pre-employment physicals, andergonomic guidance to prevent injuries from equipment use and heavy lifting. By partneringwith OHS, landscaping companies can prioritize the health and safety of their workforce whileminimizing downtime.

Why Choose Occupational Health Services

Customized Occupational Healthcare Solutions
Enhance productivity by creating a safer and healthier work environment

Prioritizing proactive occupational health services yields a multitude of benefits for businesses. These initiatives enhance productivity by creating a safer and healthier work environment. Reductions in absenteeism and turnover translate to significant savings and an improved bottom line. Businesses staying compliant with health and safety regulations strengthen their reputation among stakeholders. By focusing on prevention, companies unlock a path to thriving, fostering healthier, safer, and happier workplaces. Discover how these proactive measures drive business growth and well-being.

What Is Checked During A DOT Physical Exam?

To acquire a CDL Medical card a DOT physical exam must be passed. During an exam, our doctors will review your medical history and perform the celow screens. Once you have met all the DOT physical requirements you will be issued a DOT medical card.

Save time and money with Occupational Health Services. At OHS we understand that every business is different. We’ll work with you to develop a custom plan that meets your business’s unique needs, protocols & preferences. OHS offers onsite comprehensive Occupational Medicine Services that will help keep your business costs down all while increasing worker attendance and productivity, without compromising patient care.

At Occupational Health Services, we are confident in our ability to truly make a difference in people’s lives. With our comprehensive support, employee healthcare costs are reduced by proactive measures taking care of your team. As a result workplace productivity and job satisfaction both increase. If you are interested in a custom occupation health solution for your company we would like to hear from you. Please fill out a form or call us today.

Exceptional Occupational Healthcare

Occupational Healthcare Uniquely Built Around Your Team. Improve Employee Health and Quality of Life
While Increasing Job Satisfaction and Productivity.


Keep Your Team Healthy